2024 - 2025 Brill PTO Board


Executive Board

President Karen Popich president@brillpto.org  
Vice President   vicepresident@brillpto.org  
Treasurer Elizabeth Honeycutt treasurer@brillpto.org  
Membership Jaclyn Rendon  membership@brillpto.org  
Recording Secretary

Sara Watson


Hospitality Secretary

Corresponding Secretary

Lauren Ehly

Ashley Windsor



Parliamentarian Meagan Hamblen  parliamentarian@brillpto.org  
Fundraising Katie Qualls fundraising@brillpto.org  
Programs Taylor Petty





Board Appointed Officers

Volunteer Coordinator                        Amy Nuzman                                                                    volunteer@brillpto.org 

Faculty Representative                          Jennifer Flaherty       



Parties & Picnics Tiffany Gorby, Krista Lancton & Jennifer Miller partiesnpicnics@brillpto.org 
Community Relations Mandi Trumbull, Jennifer Trillsch communityrelations@brillpto.org 
Spirit Store Carly Beckham  spiritstore@brillpto.org 
Spirit Nights Meredith Medina spiritnights@brillpto.org 
Memory Book Michelle Frazier & Gemma Broderick stampede@brillpto.org 
Birthday Banner Bonnie Heallen birthdaybanner@brillpto.org 
Room Rep Coordinator Christine Hackney roomreps@brillpto.org 
5th Grade Appreciation Gemma Broderick, Michelle Frazier & Tammy Bailey 5thgradeappreciation@brillpto.org 
Cultural Bulletin Board Miesha Ander  culturalboard@brillpto.org 
Spanish Liaison Indira Vega spanishliaison@brillpto.org 
Watch Dogs Kevin Kimbrough    watchdogdads@brillpto.org 



PTO Committee Floaters

Verenice Carbajal (Corresponding Secretary, Programs Committee)

Miriam Castillo (Membership Committee)

Hannah Comedy (Hospitality Committee)

Carmen Rightmire (Membership Committee, Spirit Store Committee)

Jessica Cohn (Fundraising Committee)

Eduardo Arzola (Programs Committee, Watch Dog Committee)

Natascha Rosales (Membership Committee)

Farrah Gouge (Floating)

Kandi Blase (Floating)

Hayden Burns (Floating)

Elly Brown (Floating)

Cassie Smith (Floating)




Executive Board Positions   *Indicates that position requires regular attendance at our monthly Executive Board Meetings that take place the 1st Wednesday of every month at 9:30 AM at Brill.

1. President* - Primary liaison to the principal and school. Supervises the execution of all PTO activities, coordinates all reports, plans the calendar and sets the agenda, co-signs checks, and performs all duties as necessary to aide in the success of Brill PTO.

2. Vice President* - Assists the president in all activities and supports all officers and committees (as necessary).

3. Membership - Plan and execute beginning of year membership drive, maintain a current roll of all PTO members, and community regularly with the general membership regarding events, opportunities, and accomplishments of the organization.

4. Programs - Plan and execute all educational and cultural programs for the year.

5. Fundraising* - Plan two fundraisers a year that align with the budget and goals of the organization. Conceptualize and plan fundraisers, form committees as needed, solicit donations, track income and expenses of fundraising activities.

6. Recording Secretary - Prepare the agenda for all meetings, record meeting minutes, publish meeting minutes within one week after meeting.

7. Corresponding Secretary - Responsible for PTO communication to the community including thank you notes, condolences, congratulations, etc.. Plan and organize teacher appreciation week as well as staff appreciation days such as Administration Professional Day, Principal/Asst. Principal Day, Counselor Day, Nurse Day, Librarian Day, etcc.

8. Hospitality Secretary - Plan the back to school teacher luncheon prior to the beginning of the school year, plan/coordinate four teacher luncheons throughout the school year including one during Teacher Appreciation Week, and plan/coordinate staff appreciation breakfasts/treats as needed.

9. Treasurer* - Serve as the financial officer of the organization, maintain all receipts and reports throughout the year, prepare the yearly budget, provide payment for invoices and reimbursements to members, coordinates financial summaries, ensures financial audits are completed and prepare all required tax returns on behalf of the organization.

10. Parliamentarian* - Advise officers in parliamentary procedure, maintain the organizational bylaws and make amendments if needed, coordinate the nomination and election of new officers.

11. Volunteer Coordinator* - Organize all volunteer opportunities and sign ups as needed by the school and the PTO, manage the RAPTOR background check system for volunteers and communicate with school community how to complete the annual Klein Volunteer Application, plan and coordinate an end of year volunteer appreciation breakfast to be held at the school.

12. Watch D.O.G.S. Coordinator - Recruit dads and father figures for Watch Dog Volunteer Days at Brill throughout the school year.

13. Parties and Events Team* - Plan, coordinate, and executive the school holiday party, a girls event (ex: Boots & Beauties), and boys event (ex: Mother/Son Bowling).

14. Stampede Memory Book* - Executing the planning and purchasing of the Brill Stampede Memory Book with publisher, be available to take photos at the school on a very regular basis, create an online sale for people to pre-purchase books and 5th grade ads.

15. Birthday Banner - Create a flyer for the Birthday Banner on the Marquee and Indoor Kiosks for people to purchase a spot for their child’s name during their birthday week. On Monday mornings, submit names for the Birthday Banner to Brill Admin to add.

16. Spirit Store Coordinator* - plan and buy merchandise for a monthly Spirit Store to be open the first Friday of every month before school as well as the holiday Merry Market.

17. Spanish Liaison - Translate Brill PTO flyers into Spanish for distribution and assist in communication with our Spanish speaking families!

18. Room Parent Coordinator* - Recruit and maintain a roster of room moms for the school, collect teacher favorite things forms, and maintain a spreadsheet of staff Amazon wish lists.

19. Community Outreach* - Plans and executes community service event / donations for the school. Direct liaison with the Counselors. 

Being on a committee means that you play a committed, year round support role as needed for the committee you serve on. For example, if you are on the Parties & Events committee, it is expected that you will be available to help plan, decorate, and volunteer for the event. Committee members are not required to attend Executive Board Meetings.

Parties & Events
Watch D.O.G.S.
Spirit Store
Stampede Memory Book



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