2024 - 2025 Brill PTO Board
Executive Board
President | Karen Popich | president@brillpto.org | |
Vice President | vicepresident@brillpto.org | ||
Treasurer | Elizabeth Honeycutt | treasurer@brillpto.org | |
Membership | Jaclyn Rendon | membership@brillpto.org | |
Recording Secretary |
Sara Watson |
recordingsecretary@brillpto.org | |
Hospitality Secretary Corresponding Secretary |
Lauren Ehly Ashley Windsor |
Parliamentarian | Meagan Hamblen | parliamentarian@brillpto.org | |
Fundraising | Katie Qualls | fundraising@brillpto.org | |
Programs | Taylor Petty |
Board Appointed Officers
Volunteer Coordinator Amy Nuzman volunteer@brillpto.org
Faculty Representative Jennifer Flaherty
Parties & Picnics | Tiffany Gorby, Krista Lancton & Jennifer Miller | partiesnpicnics@brillpto.org |
Community Relations | Mandi Trumbull, Jennifer Trillsch | communityrelations@brillpto.org |
Spirit Store | Carly Beckham | spiritstore@brillpto.org |
Spirit Nights | Meredith Medina | spiritnights@brillpto.org |
Memory Book | Michelle Frazier & Gemma Broderick | stampede@brillpto.org |
Birthday Banner | Bonnie Heallen | birthdaybanner@brillpto.org |
Room Rep Coordinator | Christine Hackney | roomreps@brillpto.org |
5th Grade Appreciation | Gemma Broderick, Michelle Frazier & Tammy Bailey | 5thgradeappreciation@brillpto.org |
Cultural Bulletin Board | Miesha Ander | culturalboard@brillpto.org |
Spanish Liaison | Indira Vega | spanishliaison@brillpto.org |
Watch Dogs | Kevin Kimbrough | watchdogdads@brillpto.org |
PTO Committee Floaters
Verenice Carbajal (Corresponding Secretary, Programs Committee)
Miriam Castillo (Membership Committee)
Hannah Comedy (Hospitality Committee)
Carmen Rightmire (Membership Committee, Spirit Store Committee)
Jessica Cohn (Fundraising Committee)
Eduardo Arzola (Programs Committee, Watch Dog Committee)
Natascha Rosales (Membership Committee)
Farrah Gouge (Floating)
Kandi Blase (Floating)
Hayden Burns (Floating)
Elly Brown (Floating)
Cassie Smith (Floating)
Executive Board Positions *Indicates that position requires regular attendance at our monthly Executive Board Meetings that take place the 1st Wednesday of every month at 9:30 AM at Brill. |
Upcoming Events
- Monday, December 23
- Tuesday, December 24
- Wednesday, December 25
- Thursday, December 26
- Friday, December 27
- Monday, December 30
- Tuesday, December 31
- Wednesday, January 1
- Thursday, January 2
- Friday, January 3
- Monday, January 6
- Tuesday, January 7
- Monday, January 20
- Monday, February 10
- Tuesday, February 11